Everyone warns you how fast babies change, but you don't really know until you have your own. At his one month visit Jackson had already gained 2.5 lb bringing him up to 10 lbs and grown 1" for a grand total of 22.5". He only wore size Newborn diapers for one week! By the end of Week 4 he had outgrown almost half of his Newborn clothes but wasn't quite fitting into 0-3 month, which limited his wardrobe quite a bit.
My friend Mary and her daughter Hannah brought us even more baby gear to borrow. Mary lent me almost everything we have, so we are forever indebted. Hannah is the sweetest baby and had a great time playing with Baby Jackson.
While some dads might be embarrassed to wear the koala carrier, Matt sports it proudly. In fact, he wore it into a port-a-potty with Jackson inside at an art show.
So far, Jackson is a helpful little guy and is happy to sit next to us while we work. I had a conference in Montgomery so he and Matt came. Jackson spent most of his first hotel trip obsessively staring at the giant window in our hotel room.
It's hard work being a growing baby. By the end of Week 3 Jackson was smiling, first at me and then at everyone including Aunt Robin and the man who owns 2nd and Charles. Aunt Robin was sweet enough to come stay with us for several days while Matt was out of town. She was our first babysitter and the first person other than Matt to give Jackson a bottle. We loved having her stay with us.
By week 5 he started cooing and talking up a storm, especially in the mornings. He loves having his bath and will stay in his little tub content as a clam for as long as we let him. Something tells me that he will love Grace even more than his tub, although so far she is still pretending he doesn't exist. We'll see how that goes.
So cute, Leah! Keep this up! xoxo, Aunt Tiffy <3