Jackson had some pretty big news to share this past Easter :) Yep, he is getting a brother or sister in early November! He wore his new shirt to tell everyone. Aunt E and Erik hid eggs all over Grammy and Dad Dad's house. We took him to a big Easter Egg hunt, but getting to find them over and over again was much more fun. He even got to sit in big church and lasted for most of the service. He claps and cheers at the end of every "song" which is cute at Easter, but not exactly appropriate all the time.
There is always something fun going on in Greenville. One of the best loved events is called Touch a Truck. They had about 25 different kinds of trucks that all the kids could climb in, honk the horns, and explore. He and Dad had a great time.
We've been working on our yard. He's quite the little helper. He has his own shovel and rake and loves watering all the new plants.
This year Nana and Grandad invited us to join them and Aunt Rachel's family for a few days in Monteagle, TN. It had been six months since the cousins all saw each other so they were very excited the whole time and really loved getting to play non stop. Jackson and Meredith wore each other out. By next year James will be running around too and all three of them will be unstoppable!
We are really, really fortunate to live in the upstate. There is pretty much something ready to be picked all year long within a half hour drive. We missed the blueberries because I just didn't feel well enough to go and it rained every day for two months, but we did peach picking twice. Sooooo delicous.
The little engineer is at the stage where he loves stacking, sorting and organizing his toys into lines and groups. He's obsessed with airplanes and trains. He jumps all day long and never walks- he runs. If I only I had half his energy.
Potty training is going really well for now. We go on short trips to the store with no diaper and he doesn't wear one at home. He's getting pretty good about letting us know when he needs to go instead of just making him try every 25 minutes. He doesn't like when we put a diaper on him so that's a good sign!
Helping Mama at work |
We are getting him ready for his big bed so we converted his crib about a week ago. Most of the time he stays in it but every so often at nap I have to turn it to face the wall if he's just too rowdy and bouncing all over his room. He likes being able to get in and out all by himself. We could probably put him in the bed now, but I like being able to trap him instead of having to go lay him back down every 10 seconds for an hour on the days he isn't cooperating. It's staying like this for at least two more months until we take it down completely and move it back into the nursery for #2.
School is out the month of August so we've gotten to spend a lot of time doing fun things. Sometimes we just go to the pool, sometimes we make crafts, we go to a lot of play dates, hit the zoo, and have taken a lot of little weekend trips while Dad works on projects around the house. I'm enjoying my last few months of one on one time with my little Penguin!