Maybe spring isn't in the air yet but it is April 3 for the love of the Easter bunny and still having highs in the 50s has seriously got to go. At this rate all of us will be albino, not just Matt and Jackson.
We've been increasing the time he spends on the potty. He thinks this means take your potty wherever you go even when you have all your clothes on. This particular day he was busy watching the men next door install new windows.
Grammy sent him a pair of rain boots. He asks to wear them just about every day. Sometimes it is the first thing he does when he gets up in the morning. Aunt Robin sent him the next size up so he will be boot ready for as long as he wants to wear them! Oh, and don't call his boots "shoes". They are boots and he knows it.
My little bee is getting so strong. He can climb a ladder and has no fear of any slide. We play outside every single day and if it was up to him it would be the entire day. His very first hissy fit was over going into the house when it was time. I'm guessing it is the first of thousands resulting from "time to go in". I can't believe how fast his little baby tummy is disappearing. He's getting abs already and he even has a tiny little bicep!
Dad wasn't home so his first real grilling experience was with Mama. He was very helpful with the tongs, but after it was done he wouldn't even touch a bite of pork loin. Our former meatatarian has recently decided he prefers to be fruitatarian. This was also the day I found out he can get on chairs and onto the couch by himself. Now he tells himself "sit down".
Jackson and Matt have a little song about brushing teeth. It goes something like "brusha brusha on the bottom, brusha brusha the on top, brusha brusha side to side... don't miss a spot". He is obsessed with tooth brushing now that we let him have a speck of toothpaste. He would brush all day and has toothbrushes stashed in all the bathrooms in case the mood strikes.
He hasn't quite figured this game out yet. Mostly he wants to ride on the golf club like a horse. Sometimes he swats things with it- poor Gracedog. I keep showing him but he thinks he's supposed to balance the golf ball on the club instead of hitting it. Maybe dad will be a better teacher.
It's impossible to know how many words he knows now. He says about a hundred without prompting if we counted them all and is pretty easy to understand (or maybe just to me). He follows all kinds of directions and answers questions with "i don't know, yeah, or no" and his response almost always matches the question. When the time changed we just didn't adjust his schedule so now he sleeps 7-7:30 and naps from 12:30-3:00. We are working on manners and he nearly always says "thank you" and "bless you". "Please" is getting there along with "yes, ma'am". I have to remind him about those. He loves doing any kind of craft and helping clean. I realized that the Swiffer can actually be made into a pint size handle so he dry mops every day while I vacuum. He's quite the helper for now so I'm totally exploiting that while it lasts :) He loves singing along to the radio. Any time a song ends he claps and says "yaaaaay" (including at church hey at least he's enthusiastic).
That's the little guy at not quite 18 months. He'll be an official toddler in just two weeks!
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