The last post must have jinxed us because not a week later Jackson got a cold from a baby at a playdate which of course turned into an asthmatic episode (he doesn't actually have asthma but his symptoms are the same). The weight he put on in January came back off so his pants are a little droopy and he has quite the cough but you can't really tell he isn't all the way up to speed other than he slowed down a little over the month. It's given him a chance to perfect his Mandarin babble. He says about 40 real words. Yesterday we were leaving Steinmart and as we went out the door he told me "push it". He hasn't learned to say "no" but I'm guessing by this time next month it will be his fav...he shakes his head at me for now!
We had a Valentine's Craft party at our house. 11 toddlers came and made heart sun catchers. It was a blast. We'll be finding tissue pieces for weeks to come. After it was all over the family room looked like Times Square on Jan 1.
If it isn't too cold we spend as much time as possible outside. Jackson can run now- usually away from me when it's time to get dressed, of course. He loves the slide and will go down the big corkscrew all by himself. He insists on swinging on the big kid swing most of the time and grunts when he wants to get down. If there's something to climb on he's going to find it. Matt and I bet on when he would climb out of his crib. Matt took 16 months and I took 18. We'll see at the end of this month...
Blocks are a big time favorite but he only wants to pull them apart or clean them up. He cleans up everything and loves to run around with the Swiffer. Doing laundry takes forever because it is his job to put each thing into the dryer (only I hang most of our clothes so he tries to pull everything off the rack and rush it to the dryer to "help"). He routinely unloads the silverware for us now even if it is dirty :) Meals are a pain because he dumps his plate onto the tray and eats like a barbarian just to get a reaction. He can use his fork and spoon but prefers to fling them to the ground until you take them away and just let him be an animal.
In the last month I started counting to get his attention when he's doing something he shouldn't be doing. That was great until he learned to say TWO. Now he says THREE. It's impossible not to smile when he looks so proud of himself. I count in Spanish now when he needs a reminder to behave. I can't wait to see what he learns next month!
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