Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Fun Times as a Three Month Old

Our darling friend Natalie loves keeping baby J and he in turn loves her. She keeps him solely for the entertainment of dressing him up for photo shoots. He comes home exhausted and she has taken some really cute pictures. It's a win-win.

It seems like every day now Jackson learns a new trick. This month he mastered rolling over from both directions, grabbing items that we hand him, the art of kicking, and picked up a new habit of sucking in his bottom lip when he's studying something new. His hair is thinning a good bit and turning even lighter blond. I'm fairly certain he is in no way related to me and only belongs to Matt.

At his three month visit he was 13lb 13oz and 24.5" long.

He is one of the most content babies ever until you put him in the sink. If he would quit rolling out of everything I put him in that wouldn't be an issue!

He's a good little helper as you can see from him licking the measuring cup. Right after that he got a terrible rash and had to be bathed. The fun never ends around here...

This month Jackson lucked out and we couldn't find a babysitter so he got to go bowling. Redneck parenting at its finest. If you're curious about the head, his name is Jaques and he belongs to a band but is temporarily in the custody of my rogue Canadian neighbors who stole him.

My cousin Shanon came to Alabama from California. I hadn't seen her in over 5 years so we had a great time catching up! This is Jackson's favorite toy. It's called a Winkle. Rest assured no matter how innocent the comment it sounds positively dirty when you say Winkle.

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