Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Let the Moving Begin

The movers showed up bright and early on a Thursday morning. Inexplicably they arrived in a 24' truck, which sounds huge but really isn't when you are moving an entire house. They did a phenomenal job other than the fact that there are a few important items which went to storage (aka the jam packed abyss of things we probably don't really need). Such as my printer power cord. Hmm.

Jackson and I left Birmingham after a court hearing so that we could get the paperwork squared away at the new apartment and storage unit. Matt stayed behind to clean and help the movers. Poor guys were there packing so late Friday night they had to stop because they had gone over on hours. And I told them our job would be easy. Maybe not.

Grandma and Grandpa met us at the hotel to help. I truly don't know what we would have done without them.

One of the first things we took care of was hanging the swing. The ceiling on the porch was too high so we used the door frame to the storage closet. Fail. Jackson isn't a fan of this at all so we will be changing locations shortly... This project came second to putting up room darkening curtains and amping up the volume on the noise machine. There is a major drawback to living anywhere with a gate and that is having to hear the idiots trying to phone a friend to let them in the gate. Actually that pales in comparison to having to pick up after your dog. THAT is the worst.

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